Thursday, September 18, 2008

Poor Binky!!

So, this morning Kate hands me her little Binky and says " uh oh, What happened?". If you cant tell from the picture, the tip has come off! And the tip is no where to be found! I can only think of one other place it could be and I am not going to be checking to see if it's there! I sure wish when I saw it was slit across the top that the thought CHOKING HAZARD would have come to mind but, all I could think was maybe she won't want to suck on it anymore!!! Needless to say, she is still sucking away on it! Will the Binky ever go away?


Clements Family said...

Maybe she will get sick of the broken binki and just give it up??? You can always hope right!!!

Kara said...

Ha Ha! That is hilarious! I can't belive that she actually sucked her way through a binki! If you get any good binki-be-gone advice let me know! :) I swear the older she gets the more attached/obsessed she is over it!

Andrea said...

Um... I remember my mom taking my binki away- thats how old I was! I was 4! :) My sister-in-law had her girl collect all her binki's (when she was ready) and they took them to the store and bought a bike with them. So she chose when she was ready to give them up. And, if she wanted them again, she was reminded "You bought your bike with them. You gave them to the lady at the store. Remember?" I though that was a good idea.