Monday, October 12, 2009

Bound to Happen

I did it. My friends did it. So I knew my sweet little girl one day would too!

Katelyn added some new bangs to her do!

And about six bald spots to her little brother!


The Nobles said...

That is so sad, but when I read it I couldn't help but laugh. You just have to remind yourself that its just hair and it will grow back.

Rappleye said...

Oh! That is so funny (okay, maybe not for you...but I am laughing! :)

BTW...I have watched all the Glee episodes because of your post and LOVE them...I even downloaded most of the music from when I am ignoring my boys to watch Glee I can just blame it on Aunt Heather..LOL!!

Clements Family said...

I am not going to is a little funny-but frustrating too!!! Good thing it grows right!

Kim Goddard said...

All I can say is Oh My Gosh!!!! Brie and Shea did it too! And it takes SOOOO long to grow back! Glad you took pics!

Bale Family said...

Ha, ha! I did it when I was little and Avery has also cut her own hair. They are just too tempting!

Jenny said...

at least her bangs don't look too bad... I mean she did a good job, at least thats what the picture looks like... Maybe she just wanted change :) good luck heather...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Thankfully Olivia hasnt tried giving "hair-cuts" yet...LOL, but Im sure the time will come. Kate did a good job though, i mean at least she didnt cut off a braid or something right?? haha!!

Kara said...

Oh no!!! I know it is not funny but I can't help and laugh!! YIKES! I am glad that all she cut was hair and no skin at least!