Monday, April 11, 2011

2 Months

This handsome guy is now two months! Now, it seems like he has been with us forever. He has brought so much joy to our home. My kids adore him and are great helpers. He is a really good baby. Though, he isn't sleeping through the night, he is down to only waking up once :). Sure hope I didn't just jinx myself by saying that. Cruze is smiling like crazy, cooing, and just so happy. I have seen him looking at his hands and trying to hit this little book on his car seat. I put him in his chair, that has a mirror over it, he smiled and laughed at the baby in the mirror for a good 15 min. It was too cute. He also LOVES to eat. I just took him to his two month check up and he weighed in a 12lb 13 oz. That puts him in the 76th percentile, with his height 21 1/2 in. in the 13 percentile. Yes he is a CHUNK!! But, I love it!


Lauren Bigelow said...

Such a cute little family! Your baby looks like he has red hair. He is so cute I want to pinch his little cheeks.

Jenny said...

he is a chunk!!! Oh my gosh... so freakin cute!!

Lynn Thomas said...

Heather, Keep the pictures coming. We love to have pictures so we can watch him grow.

Clements Family said...

Oh my goodness...look at him. I want to just squeeze him. So cute!

nbzern said...